Composite  Narrative:
  by the Free Ryan Ferguson Committee

There were two men seen near Kent Heitholt's car the night of his murder at approximately 2:20-2:25 a.m. on November 1, 2001. The two witnesses who saw these men were Shawna Ornt and Jerry Trump.  They were a part of the custodial staff working at the Tribune that night.

We need your help finding these two men.

We believe that they may have stumbled upon the victim while passing
through the parking lot heading towards the dorms at the university. 
We do not believe that they had anything to do with the murder.

( See Police Report #42, police tracking dogs follow trail from the crime scene to the University of Missouri Dorms.)

In the interest of accuracy, Michael Boyd, (the last person to see Heitholt alive) says in police report #18 and #25 that he spoke with Mr. Heitholt after he entered the parking lot and before Jerry Trump and Shawna Ornt observed two men at the back of the car. 

Boyd stated that he spoke with the Mr. Heitholt for 3 to 5 minutes before he departed the parking lot around 2:20am

Documented sequence of events

Victim logged off his computer 2:08 am (Documented)
2 to 5 minutes to get from his office to his car
Michael Boyd said he spoke with the victim 3 to 5 minutes in Police Report #25 (Documented) before he departed the parking lot.  Also in PR # 18 and #25 Boyd stated that he left the parking lot at approximately 2:20am.  In this same statement Boyd said that he saw no other person in the parking lot.
Victim was attacked 2:15 to 2:25 am, plus or minus 5 minutes.
Shawna Ornt and Jerry Trump saw two men near the victim's car.  2:23 to 2:26 am
911 called made at 2:26 am (Documented)

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